Star Facts
  • Category Television

    Address 6135 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

  • Category Radio

    Address 6270 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

Warren Hull
ny University, NY
Death Date:
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Warren Hull

John Warren Hull was an actor and TV personality, active from the 1930s through the 1960s. He was one of the most popular serial actors in the action-adventure field.

A native of Gasport, New York, Hull attended New York University. Later, he left college to study voice and pursue a career in operas and operettas. He also worked frequently as a radio announcer.

The handsome Hull made his screen debut in 1934 for Educational Pictures, a short-subject studio. He co-starred opposite singer Sylvia Froos in the “Young Romance” series of musical comedies filmed in New York; Hull often joined Froos in song. In 1935 Hull was signed to a contract by Warner Bros., and spent the next few years playing leading men both in dramas and musicals. His best appearance of this period came in The Walking Dead 1936), a horror movie starring Boris Karloff and directed by Michael Curtiz. Some of Hull’s early appearances have him billed as “J. Warren Hull.”

When his Warner contract expired, Hull had no trouble finding work at other studios. He teamed with Patricia Ellis, one of his leading ladies at Warners, for the 1937 Republic Pictures musical Rhythm in the Clouds. He also played romantic leads in a string of features for Monogram Pictures.

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