Q: How can I nominate someone for a Walk of Fame Star?
A: Anyone can nominate their favorite celebrity with their permission by downloading and completing the Walk Of Fame Nomination Form on our official website www.walkoffame.com.
Q: How many stars are there on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
A: There are more than 2,700 stars on the Walk of Fame.
Q: Where is the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
A: The Walk of Fame is located on Hollywood Blvd from Gower to La Brea and on Vine Street from Sunset to Yucca.
Q: Who can do the nominating?
A: Anyone, including a fan, can nominate a celebrity as long as the celebrity or his/her management is in agreement with the nomination. If there is no letter of agreement included from the celebrity or his/her representative, the committee will not accept the application.
Q: What is the cost of a Walk of Fame star ceremony?
A: There is a $75,000 sponsorship fee upon selection. The fee is used to pay for the creation and installation of the star, as well as maintenance of the Walk of Fame. Price subject to change.
Q: Can someone who is deceased be nominated?
A: Yes. One posthumous award may be given each year.
Q: Can someone who is deceased be nominated for a star immediately?
A: No. A posthumous nomination has a two year waiting period.
Q: Is posthumous waiting period five years after the date of their death?
A: Yes. There is a two year waiting period after death.
Q: Can I nominate someone who doesn’t fit in any of the six categories?
A: No. The categories do not change and the nominee must be or have been active in the field of entertainment.
Q: How long after someone has been nominated will the ceremony take place?
A: The recipient has up to two years to schedule their ceremony. If it is not done within the two-year period, it will expire and an application must be resubmitted.
Q: Does the committee accept signatures, petitions or phone calls?
A: The committee does not accept signatures, phone calls, e- mails, or any form of petitions for a nomination. Only official Walk of Fame applications are accepted.
Q: Who are the members of the Walk of Fame selection committee?
A: Each of the six categories is represented by Walk of Famers with expertise in that field.
Q: How often are stars voted in?
A: Stars are voted in once a year in June. An average of 30 stars are selected per year.
Q: Can Honorees select the location of their star?
A: No. Honorees cannot select the location of their stars as there are many logistical issues to contend with. The Hollywood Chamber makes sure to select the appropriate location for each honoree.
Q: Is there an application fee?
A: Yes, there is a $275 application fee per submission every two years.
Q: If a nominee isn’t selected during the voting process, do I have to re-submit the application for the following year?
A: The application is effective for two years. If, after two years, the nominee is still not selected, the applicant can file a new application or send a letter requesting that the application be reinstated. Updates on the recipients are accepted and included in their file.
Q: When does the Committee meet?
A: The Committee meets once a year, in June.
Q: How far is the Hollywood walk of fame from Los Angeles Airport (LAX)?
A: The Walk of Fame is 12 miles from LAX. It takes between 1/2 hour to 1 hour by car.
Q: How can I find out if someone has a star on the Walk of Fame?
A: You can find star locations on the Walk of Fame Directory on www.walkoffame.com.
Q: Can I attend a Walk of Fame ceremony?
A: Walk of Fame ceremonies are open and free to the public. There is a public viewing area set up for all to enjoy, subject to City restrictions. Please be aware that ceremony dates are subject to change. Call the Walk of Fame information line (323-469-8311) or check our website www.walkoffame.com for verification.
Q: How many nominations are submitted each year?
A: The committee receives between 200-300 applications per year.
Q: Why do some stars face one way and others face another?
A: So that people walking either direction can see the stars easily.
Q: What are the stars made of?
A: Terrazzo and brass.
Q: What else is there to do on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
A: There are many things to do in Hollywood besides seeing the stars. You can shop, have a meal, take a photo with your favorite star and much more. Learn more at ExploreHollywood.com.