Star Facts
  • Category Television

    Address 6255 Sunset Blvd, Ste 150

    Ceremony date 04/20/2006

Vanna White
North Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Death Date:
Addition Websites

Vanna White

Wheel of Fortune co-host Vanna White was honored with the 2,309th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Johnny Grant, Honorary Mayor of Hollywood, presided over the ceremony. Guests included Merv Griffin, creator of Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajak, Executive Producer Harry Friedman, Sony Pictures Television President Steve Mosko, King World Chairman Roger King and Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek.

7018 Hollywood Boulevard on April 20, 2006


Since she made her debut on Wheel of Fortune in 1982, Vanna White has built a phenomenal following worldwide. Her “Vannafans” continue to grow – with her weekly fan mail continuing to number in the thousands.

Becoming a household name globally was not something Vanna expected while growing up in the small resort town of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. After attending the Atlanta School of Fashion Design and becoming one of the area’s top models, she moved to Los Angeles with the goal of an acting career. Just two years later, while competing against more than 200 other hopefuls, her intelligence, All-American beauty, grace and exuberant personality won her the coveted spot as Co-Host of America’s favorite game show.

But no one, especially Vanna herself, anticipated the kind of audience response she has received virtually from her first appearance. Surveys have shown that her presence has contributed greatly to Wheel of Fortune’s phenomenal ratings. And, although she has been called its silent star, Vanna does indeed talk – and quite well. A much sought-after guest for television’s talk show couches, Vanna’s autobiography, Vanna Speaks, was a nationwide bestseller when published in 1987. She also has been featured on numerous magazine covers.

In 1992, Vanna was recognized in The Guinness Book of World Records as “Television’s Most Frequent Clapper.” Averaging 720 claps per episode, she puts her hands together more than 28,000 times per season! And, as Wheel of Fortune enters its 23rd season in syndication in Fall 2005, she will have worn over 5,000 different designer outfits at the puzzleboard.

Beyond her work with the series, Vanna’s calendar is full: commercial endorsements, a nutritional video, several knitting and crochet books, interviews, photo layouts and more. As a result of fans interested in her fashions, Vanna launched her official “Vanna Style” Web site (, where Vanna’s latest high-fashion wardrobe is displayed and showcased for viewers. The site features clothing that Vanna wears on the show from some of the world’s most exclusive designers, including Halston, Luca Luca, Versace, Christian LaCroix, Georgio Armani and Escada.

Through it all, one aspect of Vanna’s life remains unchanged: her down-to-earth appreciation of the work done by her off-camera colleagues that keeps the series consistently on top of the ratings charts.

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