Star Facts
  • Category Recording

    Address 1709 Vine Street

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

Slim Whitman
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Slim Whitman

Ottis “Slim” Dewey Whitman, Jr., known professionally as Slim Whitman, is an American country music singer and songwriter, known for his yodeling abilities and crystal-clear vocals. He has sold in excess of 100 million albums in unit sales, with a career spanning seven decades,with numerous successful recordings.

His 1955 hit single “Rose Marie” held the record for the longest time at number 1 on the UK charts until Bryan Adams broke the record in 1991 after 36 years. In the U.S., his “Indian Love Call”, and “Secret Love” reached number 2 on the Billboard country chart. Whitman had a string of minor hits from the mid 1960s into the 1970s, and became known to a new generation of fans through TV marketing in the 1980s, and the 1996 feature film Mars Attacks!

Whitman lives today in Middleburg, Florida.

Whitman was born in Tampa, Florida and sometimes shortened his name to O.D. Growing up, he liked the country music of Jimmie Rodgers on the radio, but did not embark on a musical career until the end of World War II after he had served in the South Pacific with the United States Navy.

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