Star Facts
  • Category Television

    Address 6536 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

Macdonald Carey
Sioux City,
Univ of IA ia City, Univ of WI Madison
Death Date:
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Macdonald Carey

Edward Macdonald Carey was an American actor, best known for his role as the patriarch Dr. Tom Horton on NBC's soap opera Days of our Lives. For almost three decades, he was the show's central cast member.

Born in Sioux City, Iowa, Carey graduated from the University of Iowa in Iowa City with a bachelor's degree in 1935, after attending the University of Wisconsin?Madison for a year where he was a member of Alpha Delta Phi. He first made his career starring in various B-movies of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. He was known in many Hollywood circles as "King of the Bs", sharing the throne with his "queen", Lucille Ball.

A successful radio actor and stage performer whose credits included the hit Broadway show Lady in the Dark and the 1942 film Wake Island, Carey appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's 1943 movie Shadow of a Doubt, filmed in Santa Rosa, California. That year he joined the Marines; he stayed on active duty until 1947.

In 1947 Carey returned to Paramount in Suddenly, It's Spring. He continued with Paramount into the 1950s; by this time he had slipped into more noticeable character roles, and transitioned to westerns for a time, such as The Great Missouri Raid, Outlaw Territory and Man or Gun. Carey played patriot Patrick Henry in John Paul Jones. He also appeared in Blue Denim, The Damned, Tammy and the Doctor, and End of the World. Carey played the part of Brother Ben in "The Incident of the Golden Calf" on Rawhide. He also guest starred in the 1964-1965 sitcom The Bing Crosby Show on ABC.

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