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  • Category Television

    Address 6801 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 08/20/1993

Jeanne Cooper
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Jeanne Cooper

In memory of daytime television legend and Walk of Famer Jeanne Cooper, flowers were placed on her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013. The star in category of Television is located at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard. “Rest in Peace among the stars!” The card was signed on behalf of the Hollywood Historic Trust and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

Wilma Jeanne Cooper, best known as Jeanne Cooper, is an American actress best known for her portrayal of Katherine Chancellor on the daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless. Though she was not on the series when the show debuted in March 1973, she made her onscreen debut in November of that year, and remains the longest-tenured actor on The Young and the Restless.

Cooper began her career in the 1950s. Her first starring role was as Myra in 1953's western The Redhead from Wyoming. She also appeared as a player in films with stars like Maureen O'Hara, Glenn Ford, Tony Curtis, and Henry Fonda. Cooper was a fixture on episodic television throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

In 1965, she appeared in the western "The Big Valley" as Heath's money hungry aunt. Her husband was portrayed by John Anderson, who years later became known as MacGyver's often quoted grandfather, Harry Jackson.

Cooper's character has broken ground in the daytime medium; Katherine has endured several bouts with alcoholism, and the loss of many men in her life .

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