Star Facts
  • Category Motion Pictures

    Address 6743 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 12/14/1977

Harold Robbins
New York,
New York,
Death Date:
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Harold Robbins

Harold Robbins was one of the best-selling American authors of all time. During his career, he wrote over 25 best-sellers, selling over 750 million copies in 32 languages.

Born as Harold Rubin in New York City, he later claimed to be a Jewish orphan who had been raised in a Catholic boys home. In reality he was the son of well-educated Russian and Polish immigrants. He was reared by his pharmacist father and stepmother in Brooklyn. His first wife was his high school sweetheart

His first book, Never Love a Stranger, caused controversy with its graphic sexuality.

The Dream Merchants was a novel about the American film industry, from its beginning to the sound era. Again Robbins blended his own experiences, historical facts, melodrama, sex, and action into a fast-moving story.

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