Star Facts
  • Category Television

    Address 6317 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

Dick Lane
Rice Lake,
Death Date:
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Dick Lane

Richard Lane, more commonly known as Dick Lane, was a television announcer and actor who made his mark broadcasting wrestling and roller derby shows on KTLA, mainly from the Grand Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles.

Lane was born in 1899 in Rice Lake, Wisconsin to a farm family. Early in life he developed talents for reciting poetry and doing various song-and-dance acts.

By his teenage years, he was doing an “iron jaw” routine in circuses around Europe and worked as a drummer touring with a band in Australia. After the decline of vaudeville, Lane obtained extensive work in motion pictures and was best known at the time for playing Inspector Faraday or Farraday in some Boston Blackie features, starting with Meet Boston Blackie in 1941. During World War II, he appeared as MC with USO troupes entertaining G.I.’s. His unit appeared at Fort MacArthur in September 1944. Lane also announced for the Jalopy Derby and Destruction Derby at Ascot Park, Gardena California.

Due to his work at Paramount Pictures, Lane was able to obtain work at KTLA, which was owned by the studio at the time. When the station went commercial for the first time in 1947, Lane started work as a news presenter. One of the early highlights of his career was reporting on the first atomic explosion covered by a television newscast.

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