Star Facts
  • Category Television

    Address 7047 Hollywood Blvd.

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

Noah Beery
New York City,
New York,
Death Date:
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Noah Beery

Noah Lindsey Beery, known professionally as Noah Beery, Jr. or just Noah Beery, was an American actor specializing in warm, friendly character parts similar to the ones played by his uncle Wallace Beery, although Noah Beery, Jr., unlike his uncle, seldom broke away from playing supporting roles. His father, Noah Nicholas Beery, enjoyed a similarly lengthy film career as a supporting actor.

Beery was best known as James Garner’s father, Joseph “Rocky” Rockford, in the 1970s television series The Rockford Files.

Beery was born in New York City, New York where his father was working as a stage actor. The family moved to California in 1915 when his father began acting in motion pictures. After attending school in Los Angeles, they moved to a ranch in the San Fernando Valley, a style of living he would maintain for the rest of his life.

At the age of seven, he appeared with his father in The Mark of Zorro and like his father, who immediately began billing himself as “Noah Beery, Sr.,” he went on to become a respected character actor. His uncle, Oscar-winning screen phenomenon Wallace Beery, became the world’s highest-paid actor by 1932, and while neither Noah nor his father ever approached that level, both had extremely long and memorable film careers. All three acting Beerys physically resembled each other rather closely, but Noah, Jr. lacked a thrillingly powerful voice like his father’s and uncle’s .

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